
Body Architect

Losing Control

Losing Control

The Nineteenth-Century Beard Movement in Europe and North America

Viewed from a distance of more than a century, the nineteenth-century beard fashion looks like a basic historical fact. And yet the arrival of this fashion came as a great shock for those who lived through it. Sweeping much of Europe, North America, and Latin America after roughly two centuries of clean-shavenness, the beard movement was almost certainly the most dramatic development in nineteenth-century men’s fashion – every bit as shocking as if knee breeches and ruffled shirts were to once more become the dominant mode of men’s dress throughout the so-called ‘Western’ world.


Life In Colour: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow

Life In Colour: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow

Yui and Takaharu Tezuka On Life in Colour

A Conversation with Yui and Takaharu Tezuka

Yui and Takaharu’s designs feature almost no colour. One project, the Roof House, is all sandy wood, topped with a sloping gray roof. In their own lives however, colour is a defining characteristic. Yui wears almost exclusively red; Takaharu blue. The objects they share are yellow. Their daughter, fourteen, wears yellow, too; their son, eleven, wears green.


Technology at the Edge of the Body

Technology at the Edge of the Body

An Interview with Lucy McRae

Lucy McRae is a designer and filmmaker, and self-titled ‘Body Architect’ working with the boundaries of the human body and the dynamism of technology. Best known for her innovative projects (particularly with Dutch designer Bart Hess), McRae works with the plasticity of technology for the body and how we engage with it aesthetically as well as functionally.