
Capsule Wardrobes

Life In Colour: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow

Life In Colour: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow

Yui and Takaharu Tezuka On Life in Colour

A Conversation with Yui and Takaharu Tezuka

Yui and Takaharu’s designs feature almost no colour. One project, the Roof House, is all sandy wood, topped with a sloping gray roof. In their own lives however, colour is a defining characteristic. Yui wears almost exclusively red; Takaharu blue. The objects they share are yellow. Their daughter, fourteen, wears yellow, too; their son, eleven, wears green.


Capsule Contradictions

Capsule Contradictions

How Minimalist Dressing Misleads Women

Where women are concerned, then, minimalist clothing advice is aimed at tamping down on overabundant desire. Rather than taking your inspiration from that awesome scarf on the woman at the coffee shop this morning, you’re to restrict yourself to sensible basics. Are you A Woman? You require The Navy Blazer, The Pencil Skirt, and so forth, and be sure to pay full price for each.